
What makes a blog?

In Haiti, we often misuse the term “blog.” A blog is not just a simple Instagram account or a Facebook page. It is a dedicated website focused on a particular subject. For example, the i7 blog discusses current topics related to the world of advertising. The culinary blog Tchakayiti shares stories and recipes related to Haitian cuisine and gastronomy.

The definition provided by Larousse is clear:

A blog is a “website on which an internet user keeps a personal chronicle dedicated to a specific subject.”

So, what does maintaining a blog entail?

To run a blog, you need to publish articles regularly. Experts recommend publishing on a weekly basis. We don’t do this for i7, due to time constraints and because we use this format mainly for sharing important information. However, for a blog to be successful, it needs to be constantly fed with content. This is exactly what Annick does with her culinary blog Tchakayiti, which we mentioned earlier.

Before publishing these articles, of course, you need to:

  • Write the content
  • Ensure it is accurate and free of typos and errors
  • Optimize it for search engines, which is known as SEO. This step involves researching keywords to include in the article and file names, among other things
  • Include photos (when necessary). In the case of Tchakayiti, for example, Annick needs to photograph all her dishes

Once the article is published, you need to promote it by sharing it everywhere:

  • This is where social media comes into play. You need to share the article on all the platforms where you are present: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn… to name a few
  • In the case of Tchakayiti, Annick also shares her articles on websites dedicated to cooking
  • Finally, sending regular emails to those who subscribe to your list. For Tchakayiti, we send an email at the end of the week whenever a new article is published

As you can see, an Instagram account is definitely not a blog. It is rather a platform to promote your blog.

Running a blog involves a lot of work. So, avoid using the term lightly.

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